How do I use my Swado swaddle?

Glad you asked!  Check out this video to get started.

Can I buy a larger Swado and let my baby grow in it?

We recommend starting newborns or premature babies in a size Small.

For newborns over the 80th percentile, we recommend starting with a size Medium.

If the Swado seems big, you can overlap the wings to cover your baby's shoulders and arms in a snug fit. The wings should cross below the neck, leaving a small and tight V-shape. Please watch this video to see what the proper fit of the Swado looks like.

How does Swado ensure a safe sleep without overheating my baby?

The Swado swaddle fits snugly to fit your baby's unique body shape. This makes it impossible for the baby to wiggle down under the swaddle and eliminating the possibility of having loose fabric covering his/her face.

The lightweight material used in our Swado swaddles are suitable for all temperatures. Simply dress your baby according to the weather.

To avoid overheating, read here.

How do I wean my baby from swaddling?

To support your baby in an easy transition out of swaddling, swaddle your baby in the one-arm transitional swaddling position.

Once your baby has adjusted to the one-arm transitional position, progress to the arms-free position. Watch this video to see the different swaddling positions.

Pediatricians recommend that you stop swaddling when babies show signs of rolling over. At this point, your baby can wear Swado in an arms-free position as a wearable blanket / sleeping bag.

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